Oppose the current consensus and you’re a denier, a bigot, a homophobe, a sexist, an enemy of the people.
Category Archives: Politics
Climate Change Reconsidered II
Unfortunately, the “mainstream” media and climate alarm industry have no interest in reading the report, debating its contents or even letting people know it exists.
Climate-Denying Buffoons
This is what the GOP war on science looks like.
We Took A 2,428-Mile Road Trip Along The Mexico Border: Here’s What We Saw.
Paying For Sex
Paying For Sex. (Warning: Frank Talk About Sex)
Baby Accused Of Attempted Murder
While many children his age are still learning how to crawl, a nine-month-old boy in Pakistan has been accused of attempted murder.
IPCC is producing what academics call “post-normal science” while NIPCC is producing old-fashioned “real science.”
Bill Nye The Climate Guy
Science skeptics resistant to rational persuasion?
MH370 – Global Warming At Fault
Scientists say man-made climate change has fundamentally altered the currents of the vast, deep oceans where investigators are currently scouring for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight.