The IPCC is facing a crisis of credibility.
The IPCC is facing a crisis of credibility.
Chronology of Calculator and Computer Technology
1617 Napier’s Bones
1622 Slide Rule
1623 Calculating Clock
1645 Pascaline
1930 Differential Analyser
1946 ENIAC
1948 Transistors
1950 Turing Test
1971 Hand Held Calculator
1977 Apple II
The History of Computing Project
Norman E. Borlaug, the plant scientist who did more than anyone else in the 20th century to teach the world to feed itself and whose work was credited with saving hundreds of millions of lives, died Saturday night.
Paul Lewis, 40, jumped from a plane and plummeted through the air before crashing on to the roof of a hangar.
Artists who are migraine sufferers have attempted to express the excruciating, throbbing, and agonizing pain that they endure with unique and intriguing works of abstract, surreal, and graffiti art.
Anthropogenic global warming (AGW) theory, he argues, is the biggest, most dangerous and ruinously expensive con trick in history.
It’s kind of blackish stuff … (and) has hairy strands on it.
Brooke Greenberg is the size of an infant, with the mental capacity of a toddler. She turned 16 in January.
Gagne, 82 and suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, apparently body-slammed a 97-year-old fellow patient at the suburban nursing home.
A lot of people want to work in India.