Analog computers have a long history dating back to prehistory, but with the recent development of the microprocessor these computers and their technology [have] been discarded and [are] quickly being lost to history.
Analog computers have a long history dating back to prehistory, but with the recent development of the microprocessor these computers and their technology [have] been discarded and [are] quickly being lost to history.
Written in the 13th c. by a 6- or 7-year-old boy named “Onfim.”
This Einstein exhibit contains many pictures, cartoons, voice clips, and essays on Einstein’s work on special relativity, Brownian motion, and more.
Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World.
Each day, for 44 days leading up to Super Bowl 44, America Bowl will match a President against the same-numbered Super Bowl game. Each day one will win — and score a point.
Console + Collection = Consollection
1000 years in the future, the legacy of John, Paul, Greg, and Scottie remains.
Kant’s “Critique of Aesthetic Judgement”: Drastically Condensed Awesome Version.