How Animals Spend A Typical Day.
How Animals Spend A Typical Day.
Earth, covered by stacks of thousands of virtual photographs, corresponding in location to where they were taken by Lens readers at one “Moment in Time“.
It’s like we dug an archaeological site in Rome and found pieces of modern Rome amongst the ruins.
A proof-of-principle test run of a discrete Fourier transform — a common calculation using spectral analysis and data compression, among other things — performed with a single iodine molecule transpired very well, putting all the molecules in your PC to shame.
Written in the 13th c. by a 6- or 7-year-old boy named “Onfim.”
A team of researchers at South Korea’s Hanyung University, led by professor Cho Jaephil, has claimed a discovery that could extend lithium ion battery energy capacity by up to 1000% or more.
A series of original sculptures by French artist Bruno Catalono.
Liquid Mountaineering is a new sport which is attempting to achieve what man has tried to do for centuries.