Month: January 2010
Show Me What’s Wrong

Generate a help URL so friends and family can send you instant screen recordings to help troubleshoot computer issues.
Database of Periodic Tables

Comprehensive database of periodic tables & periodic table formulations.

Kolelinia is a concept for riding our own bikes on a steel wire, a new type of bicycle-lanes…

Console + Collection = Consollection
PIG 05049

An astounding array of products that different parts of an anonymous pig called 05049 support.
Finger Power

A few good turns around your index finger and its gathered enough power to last you a conversation.
Andromeda – Island Universe

The most distant object easily visible to the eye is M31, the great Andromeda Galaxy some two and a half million light-years away.
Netflix Queues

Examine Netflix rental patterns, neighborhood by neighborhood, in a dozen cities.
Far Out

Traveling Through Time and Stars.