An incredibly entertaining and heartfelt tribute to hard labor.
Month: December 2009
Chromoscope lets you explore our Galaxy (the Milky Way) and the distant Universe in a range of wavelengths from X-rays to the longest radio waves.
Beatles 3000
1000 years in the future, the legacy of John, Paul, Greg, and Scottie remains.
Norman Rockwell’s Photo Realism
Norman Rockwell’s rosy illustrations of small town American life looked so photographic because his method was to copy photographs that he conceived and meticulously directed.
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How to Talk to a Climate Sceptic
A comprehesive set of rebuttals to common “climate skeptic” talking points.
Battling Back the Asian Carp
If the fish were to reach the Great Lakes, it would be an ecological disaster.
The Great Lakes have struggled for decades from more than 150 invasive species brought in by ocean-going vessels dumping water from around the world. The Asian carp is the first major threat to come from the other direction, upstream from the Mississippi River.
They can be found about 45 miles downstream from Lake Michigan, squeezing aside native fish populations and ruining rivers for recreation because of their penchant for porpoising out of the water and battering boaters.
Amazing Scientific Images
The Year’s Most Amazing Scientific Images.
Christmas Decorations
I truly out-did myself this year with my Christmas decorations.
Model Your Town Competition
Show your civic pride (and maybe win a prize) by creating a 3D portrait of your community and sharing it with the world.