The little laptop is called the Inspiron 910 and it could displace the venerable Asus Eee PC as the dominant Linux-based notebook.
Month: August 2008
How to Become a Millionaire
How to Become a Millionaire in 10 Years.
Bouncy rubber sidewalk
The future of Iowa State University’s pavement.
Heavy Drinkers Guide to Iowa City
PSA – Harm Reduction Strategies
Note: Do NOT substitute marijuana for alcohol.
New Milky Way Map
Bigfoot Body
A policeman and a former corrections officer say that on Friday they will unveil evidence of what they claim is their biggest find ever: the body of Bigfoot.
…most of DNA segments taken from two of the samples matched human DNA. One came back as a likely match for an American opossum.
Faster-Than-Light Information
Olympic Youngsters
Animated Health Topics
With Discovery Health’s interactive, online human body atlas, you can see first-hand how over 240 diseases and disorders affect human anatomy.
2008 Olympics Opening Ceremony BSOD
At the exact moment Li Ning was rounding the lip of the Bird’s Nest during the amazing torch-lighting climax, someone snapped this photo of our good friend the BSOD nestled amongst the Nest’s steel twigs.
Drawing Studio
The official website of pencil artist Eivind Josefsen from Norway.
Here you can find my drawing videos and drawing tutorials.