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Month: April 2008
Science Tattoo Emporium
Live Chase
You will be able to follow the chasers LIVE, and watch the storms as they happen!
Extreme Instability
Tornado Data
Iowa Tornadoes
Tornado Attack Vehicle
Tornado vs Mobile Home
Half-Size Panzer
Who’s going to argue with a guy driving a half-scale Panzer tank complete with a working air cannon?
Earth in Crisis
“But there are ways to solve the problem” of heat-trapping greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, which Hansen said has reached the “tipping point” of 385 parts per million.
I will show that increased atmospheric carbon dioxide is not even a little bit bad. It is wholly beneficial. The more carbon dioxide we can put into the atmosphere, the better the planet will be – for humans, and all other living things.
One smart guy bought the Internet domain name for pizza.com in 1994 at the beginnings of the Internet era.
Bulbdial Clock
A variation on the design intended for large-scale installation (such as in a museum) involves a pole sticking up in the middle of a room, while the light sources are mounted on the ceiling, shining down on the pole as they rotate around it.
Moorestown PC motherboard
Intel reveals Moorestown PC motherboard, possibly world’s smallest.
360 Cities
360cities.net has been launched to bring the full spectrum of the immersive, virtual reality experience to the web.