Can you name the Elements of the Periodic Table?
Month: March 2008
Luke Robotic Arm
Segway inventor Dean Kamen is looking to re-invent the prosthetic arm.
Dangerous Vehicles
With nothing more than a design, amateurs can manufacture jewelry, robots, T-shirts, furniture – anything.
Lifeboat Foundation
Our goal is to prevent, and also make plans on surviving when possible, particle accelerator mishaps including quantum vacuum collapse, mining the quantum vacuum, formation of a stable strangelet, and the creation of artificial mini-black holes.
Elephant Self Portrait
Watch this elephant, rescued from abusive treatment in Burma, now paint an amazing self portrait.
Large Hadron Collider
In what can only be considered a bizarre court case, a former nuclear safety officer and others are suing the U.S. Department of Energy, Fermilab, the National Science Foundation and CERN to stop the use of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) until its safety is reassessed. The plaintiffs cite three possible ‘doomsday’ scenarios which might occur if the LHC becomes operational: the creation of microscopic black holes which would grow and swallow matter, the creation of strangelets which, if they touch other matter, would convert that matter into strangelets or the creation of magnetic monopoles which could start a chain reaction and convert atoms to other forms of matter.
CERN Large Hadron Collider Safety
LHC Concerns
The Big Picture
CERN and the LHC
The Six Billion Dollar Experiment
The Search For The Higgs 1 2 3
LHC The Time Machine 1 2
Photoshop Express
Early this morning Adobe launched a public beta of Photoshop Express, the newest member of the Photoshop “family.”
Cup Phonograph Kit
This replica kit uses the same technology that Thomas Edison used, replacing Edison’s waxed pipe and stylus, the kit uses a plastic cup and a needle.