

Planetocopia is a group of model worlds supporting intelligent life. Some of these worlds are set in our future, some are alternate Earths, some are purely imaginary experiments in planetology, biology, sociology.

Take a globe of the Earth. Pry it loose from its stand. Now choose new poles ~ [and] spin it ~ for a million years!

Imagine it’s exactly one thousand years from now. Picture Earth, Mars, and Venus, all on the same day. How have the three worlds changed?

Peter Douglas Ward’s book “Rare Earth,” ~ claims worlds with microbial life may be common but multicellular life is rare, and intelligent life vanishingly rare. Ward lists all Earth’s quirks that influenced our unique path of evolution, then demands other worlds match every one.
I’ve convinced myself that many different kinds of worlds are possible biospheres; Earth is not the only path.

Alternate Earths, each with a single drastic, surreal change.

More Dream Worlds