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Month: January 2007
Like Batman, when he flies alongside airplanes they can only look and admire him when he activates the acceleration button which makes him disappear at an incredible speed through the blue skies.
Rocket Powered Skateboard
San Francisco Bay Ships
Outside the Golden Gate, you often can see the pilot boat (purple) waiting for ships coming in and briefly converging with each ship to transfer the pilot.
Starting in 2002, all new commercial ships over 300 gross tons, and all new passenger vessels, are required to include AIS transponders. The requirement for existing ships has been gradually phased in.
Clothes Blanket
Hi, my name is Anthony. This is an appearance on the Tonight show with Jay Leno for a Father’s Day spoof.
Greatest Guitar Solos
Guitar World complied a list of the “100 Greatest Guitar Solos“. ~ We’ve found listening to these great classics a very moving experience, so we took it a step further and dug up a video link for each of the top 20!
I still like this version best.
Human Slingshot
Kidman Car Crash
NICOLE Kidman was yesterday taken to hospital after her car crashed into a pole at about 75km/h while shooting her latest film.
Doctors said her seatbelt probably saved her from serious injury when the Jaguar she was driving in a scene for the science fiction thriller The Invasion went out of control.
A graphic example showing that it is far safer to ride on top of a vehicle than to be behind the wheel wearing a seatbelt.
I predict the investigation will show that the Jaguar Kidman was riding in was distracted by an Impala near the intersection.
Ok, it really is dangerous to ride on top of a vehicle. Don’t try this at home, or away from home – unless you’re Johnny Knoxville.
More Andy McKee
Still in his 20’s, Andy has developed a mastery of the 6-string guitar and the harp guitar that leaves me speechless. He is the most textural player of the instrument since Michael Hedges, and he creates sonic architecture worthy of the great modern composers for any instrument. – Don Ross
Hopefully more and more people will discover how amazing and expressive one person with one guitar can be!
via Andy’s Blog
Granny Basketball
She’s 62 and plays for the Hot Pink Grannies, joining about 10 other women on a team whose uniforms are black bloomers and hot pink socks. They play in the Iowa Granny Basketball League.
On New Year’s Eve, they played at halftime of an Iowa game.
The league allows everyone to go to the “State Tournament” because, McPherson said, “in Iowa, every girl’s dream was to go to the state tournament.”
Note: That’s Marlene in the yellow socks.