Paul Cezanne


Visionary ahead of his time, Cezanne’s innovative style, use of perspective, composition and color profoundly influenced 20th century art.

Cezanne’s art, misunderstood and discredited by the public during most of his life, grew out of Impressionism and eventually challenged all the conventional values of painting in the 19th century through its insistence on personal expression and on the integrity of the painting itself. He has been called the father of modern painting.
Cezanne is not an easy man to love, but professors and painters adore him.
His early years were difficult and his career was, from the beginning, dogged with repeated failure and rejection.

His power to excite artists of different tendency and temperament is due, I think, to the fact that he realized with equal fullness so many different sides of his art.

When I was in Aix, I thought I would be better off elsewhere. Now that’s I’m here, I regret Aix… when one is born there, that’s it, nothing else appeals.

Olga’s Gallery
At the Guggenheim and elsewhere

Endangered Ugly Things


Take a good look at the WWF website, (World Wildlife Fund, not the other one) and what do you see? The giant panda, of course. Tigers. Gorillas. Cetaceans. The token reptile, a sea turtle. Generally cute and/or fuzzy, or, failing that, sleek and “handsome”. Notice a pattern?

Well, the purpose of this blog is to change all that. Sure, cute fuzzies will sell calendars and mugs, but what about those endangered things whose faces even a mother might have issues loving? Just because they’re ugly doesn’t mean they’re not important.
I plan on updating with new profiles of Endangered Ugly Things every weekend.

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