Sturgis 2006


August 7-13, 2006. The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally has grown to become one of the oldest, largest and greatest motorcycle events. Enthusiasts are drawn to the unique combination of scenic riding, entertainment, camaraderie with fellow bikers and a Main Street atmosphere like no other.

More than a half-million motorcycle enthusiasts traveled to the Black Hills of South Dakota for the rally last summer, nearly doubling the population of the state.

Sturgis Pro Hill Climb
Sturgis Motorcycle Museum


Mirny Mine

The source of the Russian diamond industry is the giant mines centred on the city of Mirny, in eastern Siberia.

Mirny is a Russian small town located in the middle of a great plain. But instead of single family houses it has mostly tall six story apartment houses built on concrete stilts to keep them from sinking in the permafrost.


Buy a Diamond (3.81 carat octahedral crystal) from Mirny.