I live and work in the beautiful Westcountry of England. Visitors to my gallery and studio are welcome throughout the year by appointment.
Month: June 2006
Periodic Chart
Of all the tools available to chemists, the single most important tool is the Periodic Chart of the elements. To most people the chart is nothing more than a list of the elements in numerical sequence. Yet, to the well-informed student, there is much more information available.
Alkali Metals
Fundamental Particles
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Web Elements
Hurried Child Syndrome
There’s a tendency for parents in Western nations to make their children grow up too quickly, rushing them through the milestones of childhood and propelling them into the pressures of adulthood.
Many parents and professionals alike are being warned today that hurrying children through childhood can have harmful effects.
Don’t forget to have fun!
Time-Lapse Photo Animations of the Real Cosmos
Light’s Most Exotic Trick Yet: So Fast it Goes … Backwards?
As if to defy common sense, the backward-moving pulse of light travels faster than light.
Confused? You’re not alone.
“It’s weird stuff,” says Boyd. “We sent a pulse through an optical fiber, and before its peak even entered the fiber, it was exiting the other end.”
“I know this all sounds weird, but this is the way the world works.”