Taxi Driver Interview

Both Apples

The driver was interviewed on TV after being mistaken for a specialist on music downloading.

The ~ interviewee was not Guy Kewney, the respected editor of, but a local taxi driver.

It later emerged that the driver had been waiting for a client at the BBC Television Centre in West London, when a studio manager mistook him for the expert.

Mr Kewney, an IT journalist , watched as Mr Goma, whose identity remained a mystery until it was revealed on Monday night by the BBC, gamely attempted to answer questions fired at him by BBC consumer affairs correspondent Karen Bowerman.

Video Video2

Update: Not a taxi driver.

Morgellons Disease

Morgellons Disease

If diseases like AIDS and bird flu scare you, wait until you hear what’s next.

We refer to this infectious disease as “Morgellons Disease“, due to the need for a consistent label when contacting politicians and health departments.

Most individuals with this disease report disturbing crawling, stinging, and biting sensations, as well as non-healing skin lesions, which are associated with highly unusual structures.

Almost all, if previously seen by well-read physicians without prolonged observation, will have been labeled as “Delusional Parasitosis“.

Most doctors tell them it’s all in their heads.


From the Comments.

I thank God that I never heard of a stupid thing like ‘Morgellons Disease’ or unidentified skin parasites, back when I was ill. ~ I think it’s a crime and the most appalling perversion of truth that I’ve ever witnessed.

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Hawkeye Point

Hawkeye Point

Mount Sunflower, Kansas. Ebright Azimuth, Delaware. Hawkeye Point, Iowa. Hoosier High Point, Indiana.

They may not have the name recognition of Mount McKinley (Denali), Mount Rainier, Mount Whitney, and Mount Hood. And they certainly are far, far easier to get to! But all these places have something in common. Each is the highest natural spot in its state.

DAWN WAS BUT A RUMOR on the eastern horizon when our climbing team set off from base camp, heading north toward a mountain so elusive it wasn’t even named until 1998. By 11:30 a.m., after a morning of steady advancement, our party of seven had gained the summit ridge. No one was showing signs of edema; we pushed for the top

The Peak: 1,670 feet
The view is high on soy and corn and low on drama.

Formerly a cattle feedlot, the highpoint is at the end of the feed trough.

Map and Photos


Attempting to climb Panorama Point, the highest spot in the state of Nebraska.

Google Book Search

Google Book Search

Search the full text of books to find ones that interest you and learn where to buy or borrow them.

If the book isn’t under copyright at all, you can browse the entire book in the Full Book View, but the aim of Google Book Search is to help you discover books and learn where to buy or borrow them, not read them from start to finish. It’s like going to a bookstore and browsing – with a Google twist.

Printing and image copying functions are disabled on all Google Books pages.

~ As opposed to Google’s service, Project Gutenberg offers full texts to be easily copied. Google so far lets you browse through single pages, but no more than three per book – even for works that passed into the public domain ~.

The Argument

Pitot Tube

Pitot Tube

Pitot tubes are used on aircraft as speedometers. The actual tube on the aircraft is around 10 inches (25 centimeters) long with a 1/2 inch (1 centimeter) diameter. Several small holes are drilled around the outside of the tube and a center hole is drilled down the axis of the tube.

Converting the resulting differential pressure measurement into a fluid velocity depends on the particular fluid flow regime the Pitot tube is measuring. Specifically, one must determine whether the fluid regime is incompressible, subsonic compressible, or supersonic.

Using a tube to measure wind speed sounded so simple at first.