Google Book Search

Google Book Search

Search the full text of books to find ones that interest you and learn where to buy or borrow them.

If the book isn’t under copyright at all, you can browse the entire book in the Full Book View, but the aim of Google Book Search is to help you discover books and learn where to buy or borrow them, not read them from start to finish. It’s like going to a bookstore and browsing – with a Google twist.

Printing and image copying functions are disabled on all Google Books pages.

~ As opposed to Google’s service, Project Gutenberg offers full texts to be easily copied. Google so far lets you browse through single pages, but no more than three per book – even for works that passed into the public domain ~.

The Argument

Pitot Tube

Pitot Tube

Pitot tubes are used on aircraft as speedometers. The actual tube on the aircraft is around 10 inches (25 centimeters) long with a 1/2 inch (1 centimeter) diameter. Several small holes are drilled around the outside of the tube and a center hole is drilled down the axis of the tube.

Converting the resulting differential pressure measurement into a fluid velocity depends on the particular fluid flow regime the Pitot tube is measuring. Specifically, one must determine whether the fluid regime is incompressible, subsonic compressible, or supersonic.

Using a tube to measure wind speed sounded so simple at first.