CMYK magazine is one of the most sought-after and high-profile portfolio competitions in the world: A rare opportunity to showcase one’s talents to hiring professionals and artist representatives across the globe. With CMYK the grand prize is not just recognition and validation, but a better shot at gaining employment.

Over eighty selections from eighty students representing over thirty-five schools and universities around the world.

Congratulations to Jolene Schultz for being one of those eighty students. Her illustration titled “racial profiling” is on page 54.

These days, she [Meredith Davis, director of North Carolina State University’s College of Design] laments, technical knowledge has been abdicated to “geeks who ride around in VWs to help you with your network problems.” It would be nice, she says, to have designers who know “what it takes to get a really, really good Web site to work.”

Planning her website.

Interactive Population Map

Hive Group

Honeycomb consists of server software that transforms data from a database into an information map that can be be displayed through any Web browser.

The Hive Group and Wikipedia bring you an Interactive Population Map.

The Most Incredible Tidbit We Learned While Building the Map: Russia is more than 100x as large as Bangladesh, but the two have very similiarly sized populations.

Silly Putty

Silly Putty

Early in World War II, James Wright was working in General Electric’s New Haven, Connecticut labs, under a government contract to create an inexpensive substitute for synthetic rubber. One day in 1943, Wright happened to drop boric acid into silicone oil, and was astonished to find that the resultant goo would stretch and bounce further than rubber, even at extreme temperatures.

Silly Putty Creations.

You can make your own or order mass quantities from the manufacturer.

You can even drop 50 pounds of Silly Putty off of a parking garage.

The Long Now Foundation

Rosetta DiskRosetta Stone

The Long Now Foundation hopes to provide counterpoint to today’s “faster/cheaper” mind set and promote “slower/better” thinking. We hope to creatively foster responsibility in the framework of the next 10,000 years.

The 10,000 Year Clock Project was conceived by Danny Hillis as a monument to long term thinking.
I think of the oak beams in the ceiling of College Hall at New College, Oxford. Last century, when the beams needed replacing, carpenters used oak trees that had been planted in 1386 when the dining hall was first built. The 14th-century builder had planted the trees in anticipation of the time, hundreds of years in the future, when the beams would need replacing

The Long Now Foundation’s Rosetta Project website is now the largest collection of linguistic data on the Net.
After five years of collection and curation, the Rosetta digital library is the largest descriptive linguistic resource on the web. We currently serve over 90,000 text pages documenting writing systems, phonology, grammar, vocabulary, typology, vernacular texts, numbering systems, maps, audio files, field notes, demographic and historical descriptions for some 2,500 languages.
Our design goal for the Rosetta Disk is an aesthetic object that suggests a journey of the imagination across culture and history. ~ The design consists of an Earth map at the center with spokes radiating outward holding 27,000 language data pages- 27 pages for each language. ~ This tapered ring of major regional languages is intended to maximize the number of people that will be able to read something immediately upon picking up the disk, as well as implying the directions for using the disk – “get a magnifier and there is more”.

Other interesting communication.



Ice falling from the sky might seem unusual, but some Spanish and American scientists say it is becoming a frequent occurrence throughout the world.

Like the estimated 200-plus-pound chunk that fell Saturday on Bushrod Park, clear ice from the sky has been reported around the world. Big and small ice-falls have happened in China, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Scotland, Hungary, England, India and more than half of the United States – often in summer ~.

They usually weigh 25-35 lbs but, Martinez-Frias said one weighing 440 lbs was found in Brazil

We suggest one monitor these megacryometeor events because they can not only be a potential natural hazard for people, aviation, etc, but perhaps they are also signals of more serious environmental problems.

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