CMYK magazine is one of the most sought-after and high-profile portfolio competitions in the world: A rare opportunity to showcase one’s talents to hiring professionals and artist representatives across the globe. With CMYK the grand prize is not just recognition and validation, but a better shot at gaining employment.

Over eighty selections from eighty students representing over thirty-five schools and universities around the world.

Congratulations to Jolene Schultz for being one of those eighty students. Her illustration titled “racial profiling” is on page 54.

These days, she [Meredith Davis, director of North Carolina State University’s College of Design] laments, technical knowledge has been abdicated to “geeks who ride around in VWs to help you with your network problems.” It would be nice, she says, to have designers who know “what it takes to get a really, really good Web site to work.”

Planning her website.