Deep Sky Objects

Tonights Sky

Your guide to constellations, deep sky objects, planets, and events.

Alas, we see very little outside our own backyard, a tiny neighborhood of our galaxy where the Sun is common, just another three-bed, two-bath star in the suburbs of the Milky Way. ~ Almost all of the sky objects visible to the naked eye are stars that reside in our galaxy.
There are roughly 300 billion stars in the Milky Way. ~ Roughly 2,500 stars are available to the unaided eye in ideal conditions from a single spot at a given time.
Clear and dark skies reveal a handful of nearby galaxies, but each is on the fringe of naked-eye visibility.

The Great Orion Nebula (M42, NGC 1976) and NGC 1977 to the north (left in this photo) are located in the ‘Sword’ part of the constellation of Orion, just below the Eastern-most of the three stars that comprise Orion’s belt. As well as being the brightest, M42 is perhaps the most famous and most photographed nebula in the night sky.

The Messier Catalog



Changing World Technologies (CWT) was founded in August 1997. Our purpose is to identify emerging technologies that specifically address the needs and problems in the energy and environmental arenas.

Renewable Environmental Solutions, LLC (RES) is currently operating the Carthage, Missouri plant.

Unlike other solid-to-liquid-fuel processes such as cornstarch into ethanol, this one will accept almost any carbon-based feedstock. If a 175-pound man fell into one end , he would come out the other end as 38 pounds of oil, 7 pounds of gas, and 7 pounds of minerals, as well as 123 pounds of sterilized water.

Snake Oil?

Danier Leather

Danier Leather

Danier Leather is one of the largest specialty leather apparel retailers in the world and the largest in Canada.
Arrival at provides what looks to be a leather fashion e-commerce website, yet it leaves much to be desired in style and presentation. This is unfortunate as the products themselves reflect a much higher calibre of quality.

Say what you want about the website, this Hotel Room Ad is awesome.


Corn With Pump

E85 is the term for motor fuel blends of 85 percent ethanol and just 15 percent gasoline.

Because E85 vehicles are flexible by nature, owning a flexible fuel vehicle is a practical way to enter the world of alternative fuels without any limitations on the vehicle’s range.

Technically speaking, converting a vehicle that was designed to operate on unleaded gasoline only to operate on another form of fuel is a violation of the federal law and the offender may be subject to significant penalties.

Each year in Iowa more than 320 million bushels of corn are processed into ethanol. Soon, Iowa’s ethanol plants will be capable of producing nearly 1 billion gallons per year.

How far can you drive on a bushel of corn?

E85 Locator
Alternative Fuel Locator and Count
Make Your Own E85

Institute of Medical Illustrators

Medical Illustrators

The fretty pattern of red criss cross lines represents the interlacing of blood vessels and the red circle annulets represent rings of blood corpuscles. The green bar down the middle called the pale vert has three suns which symbolise light for the camera and the red circle within it the lens of the camera.
The opinicus sejant is a rare monster from the mediaeval bestiaries now associated with surgery ~. It has the body, forelegs and hind legs of a lion and the wings and tail of an eagle. Its tail is short and stumpy like that of a camel. In its paw is a red quill in reference to art and illustration.

The motto beneath the crest translates as “Images surpass words“.


Dance Monkeys Dance

Dance Monkeys

There are billions of galaxies in the observable universe
And each of them contains hundreds of billions of stars
In one of these galaxies
Orbiting one of these stars
Lies a little blue planet
And this planet is run by a bunch of monkeys

In March 2005 a student at UCSD created a flash animation set to a live spoken word recording of mine called Dance, Monkeys, Dance. He did this without my knowledge as part of a class project, then posted the animation online where it quickly spread. While I was flattered by the effort, I didn’t feel the animation was very representative of my words, and I had problems with many of the images used. Indignant, I resolved to create my own animation for the piece, purely for my own amusement.

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