The best things in life aren’t just free–they’re indispensable.
Month: March 2006
Even before I became a Hippie in the early 70’s in southwest Germany I wanted to become an artist – since I always loved to paint and draw.
Art History on Stamps
A web site that describes the development of art history through times as illustrated on postage stamps, giving at the same time an overview of selected artists and their works representative for a given style.
Julian Beever
If you have an eMail address, you’ve probably had one or more friends send you a collection like this of Julian’s pavement drawings. I always like ’em.
Checker Shadow
The squares marked A and B are the same shade of gray.
This illusion by Edward H. Adelson is one of my all time favorites.
Case Mods
Case mods or computer case modifications are the ultimate display of geek chic, creativity and hardware prowess! Many of them are pieces of art, whereas others are just plain weird.
On the Warpath
Who gave you permission to invade my website and block me and anyone else from accessing it???
Please remove your software immediately before I report it to government officials!!
I am the City Manager of Tuttle, Oklahoma.
Early Hendrix
Desktop Blues
Click on the buttons to play the blues.