General Michael Hayden


Just recently, you denied that the NSA puts out an electronic net that intercepts thousands of phone calls looking for key words.

But I want to put up what The Washington Post said in the article today. Take a look if you will, sir. “Computer-controlled systems collect and sift basic information about hundreds of thousands of faxes, e-mails and telephone calls into and out of the United States before selecting the ones for scrutiny by human eyes and ears.”

Without getting into the numbers, is there a broad, wide-scale electronic net that you put out that means that you intercept lots of phone calls or communications involving Americans, or is there not?

Let me try to make this very, very clear. About the last third of the Post article is an excursion along the lines that you just described, that we somehow grab the content of communications and then use the content of the communications to determine which of the communications we really want to listen to. That is not true.

He sounds direct and sincere to me (not sarcasm, really).

My goal today is to provide you and the American people with as
much insight as possible into three questions: (a) What did NSA
know prior to September 11th, (b) what have we learned in
retrospect, and (c) what have we done in response?

Old Motorcycles

Vincent Black Lightning

I wanted to go see The World’s Fastest Indian today (opening day). I’ve been seeing the ads, and reading articles about it and it looks great. Problem – it’s not showing in Iowa. Grrrr. Guess I’ll just read about old motorcycles.

My dad had an Indian when he was young. I remember him talking about it having a foot operated clutch, so you had to lean the same direction every time you stopped.

Douglas Motorcycles
Flying Merkel
Harley Davidson
Royal Enfield

Allen Vintage Motorcycle Museum
Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group
Guggenheim Museum
Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum
National Motorcycle Museum
National Motorcycle Museum of Australia
Sturgis Motorcycle Museum
The Shop

Adventure Rider
British Photos
Popular Mechanics
Strange Pics

The Future

Motorcycle Safety

Stanley Jordan

Stanley Jordan

A true virtuoso and pioneer of the “touch” or “tapping” style, Jordan has set the standard for future players and, in reality, created his own genre of expressive instrumental music.

His foray into music therapy shows up on the CD Relaxing Music for Difficult Situations, I. The hour-long disc is straight forward solo guitar improvisation which revolves around the idea of transforming emotional challenges of a difficult experience into something positive.

“All these projects have affected my solo show,” said Jordan. “When I play the guitar I hear other instruments in my head and I try to project that …”