Snapshots of God


If I were to show you a silk rose, you would undoubtedly conclude that it was a product of intelligence and design, right?


Now suppose I show you a real rose, one with all the same characteristics of the silk rose, but with all the incredible added systems and technologies that we describe as “life.”

An assessment of the prevailing situation makes it clear that evolution’s assumptions are as much around us as the air we breathe and no more escapable. At the same time theology’s affirmations are being made as responsibly as ever. In this sense both science and religion are here to stay, and the demands of either are great enough to keep most (if not all) from daring to profess competence in both. To preserve their own integrity both science and religion need to remain in a healthful tension of respect toward one another and to engage in a searching debate which no more permits theologians to pose as scientists than it permits scientists to pose as theologians.

The Arthropod Story takes you on a tour through the amazing evolutionary history of arthropods. Along the way, you’ll get a healthy dose of taxonomy, paleontology, natural history and principles of evolution.