Sizzling Organic Chemistry Dramas!


Offered here for your enjoyment are four short organic chemistry plays that illustrate reaction mechanisms. These were performed in an actual organic chemistry class. ~ Electrons were drawn on posterboard and exchanged where appropriate. Bonding was illustrated by having the participants hold onto the electrons being shared. ~ but be warned! I had to discontinue the plays because a student complained to the Dean that the plays were sexually offensive, even though: (1) the students were repeatedly reminded that atoms and molecules don’t have gender and (2) students never touched each other and (3) these plays aren’t nearly as raunchy as Shakespeare!


Electrophilic Addition
(A Molecular Drama)

Characters: Secondary carbon (Sec) is sharing four electrons with Primary Carbon (Prim) to form a propene molecule. Along comes a hungry electrophilic Hydrogen (Hyd) who is bonded to an electron-hogging Chlorine (Chlor).

Hyd: Oh, look at all those electrons on that propene!
Chlor: What’s with you? Aren’t my electrons good enough for you?
Hyd: (disgusted) Your electrons. That’s the whole trouble with you. They’re our electrons, you pig!
Prim: Hi, Hydrogen! Nice nucleus!
Chlor: You keep your electrons away from my Hydrogen’s nucleus!
Hyd: (to Propene) Would you share your electrons with little old me?

The four plays:

Electrophilic Addition
(A Molecular Drama)

Becoming an Alcohol
(A Sad Tale of a Good Oxygen Gone Bad)

A Blind Date With the Bromine Twins

Adorable Borane
(How Three Propenes Were Led Into Ruin by a Handsome Nucleus)

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