I’m just in the mood for some Drummer Videos.
Drummers need expensive equipment
Notice how the addition of drums in the video makes this average guitar player seem like he’s actually pretty good.
Full Michael Angelo Batio video.
I’m just in the mood for some Drummer Videos.
Drummers need expensive equipment
Notice how the addition of drums in the video makes this average guitar player seem like he’s actually pretty good.
Full Michael Angelo Batio video.
In case you’re wondering, this Web page is about my next-door neighbors. Since my neighbors have been driving me crazy and no amount of civilized reasoning and/or negotiations have worked – I have decided to dedicate a small corner of cyber-space to them.
My brother showed me this story on the internet a LONG time ago, but then it went away for a while. Now it’s back.
Origami, is Japanese art of folding paper. Boulder is round rock. Origami Boulder is wadded up paper!
This site about origami boulder very fine wadded paper artwork. I make artwork for you and you buy it now. I am famous Internet artist.
And it’s only $10.
~ One of the biggest natural disasters in American history has ~ provided many with a delicious opportunity to bash President Bush and the right side of the politics and the country generally. Here’s the selection of some of the choiciest commentary.
Aerial and Satellite Images
New Orleans
New York Times
Satellite Imagery of New Orleans
Space Imaging
USA Today
A gross creature which gobbles up a fish’s tongue and then replaces it with its own body has been found in Britain for the first time.
The bugs are usually found off the coast of California
I HATE IT when that happens!
This is only one of several nasty parasites that are out there.
Mall officials said they hope the concept will appeal to sleep-deprived travelers who need a quick snooze after a long flight but aren’t staying long enough in the Twin Cities to book a hotel room; or punch-drunk dads who need a refuge while their wives and children traverse the mall’s 4.3 miles of storefronts.
“We think it would be really good for husbands at Christmas,
But still, 70 cents per minute for nap time?