Press Display

USA Today

PressDisplay� delivers the world’s leading newspapers to you before they appear on newsstands in their home countries.

You can see the front page of several major newspapers, but it costs to look inside. I wanted to sign up for the free trial subscription, but the Auto-Renew and Cancellation Policy scared me.

PressDisplay Auto-Renew and Cancellation Policy
Subscriptions purchased to PressDisplay Service are auto-renewed at the end of the subscription term. However, you may cancel your subscription at any time. In case of cancellation no refund is granted for the unused portion of the cancelled subscription.

I decided to try it. It was a nervous two weeks. I only read USA TODAY, so I would be charged for just one paper – if it came to that.

At the end of my free subscription, I didn’t cancel. I just waited.
No nasty eMail. No bill. Everything is fine.

I guess I worry too much. Now I go there just to browse the front pages.

Rhein/Rhine/Rijn River


The Rhine River begins in the Rheinwaldhorn Glacier of Switzerland and flows north and east approximately 820 miles (1,320 km). It is navigable from the North Sea to Basel, Switzerland. Even though it passes through or borders on Liechtenstein,. Austria, Germany, France, and the Netherlands,. 80 percent of it’s ship carrying waters pass through Germany. The entire distance can not support ocean going vessels, they must end their journey in Cologne, Germany. Cologne is located between Koln and Bonn. From there cargo must go by barges pushed by smaller ships until the Rhine reaches the three point intersection of the borders of France, Germany, and Basel, Switzerland.

Because of the multi countries and languages, the river has three names. They are: Rhein, Germany; Rhine, France; and Rijn, Netherlands (Dutch).

Last year we took a boat trip along the Rhine and took some pics.

We got on the boat at Mainz and went to the Castle Liebenstein, where we stayed overnight. It had a beautiful view of the Rhine Valley.

The castle is the source of one of The Finest Legends of the Rhine.