J-Walk Blog


May 11th, 2005 was the first day of Joel’s Blog.

It’s time to pay tribute to J-Walk Blog, the inspiration for Joel’s Blog.

While some see blogging as a fad, AA-List John Walkenbach takes it seriously. The J-Walk Blog, considered by many to be the best blog in the world, celebrates its 1,000-Day anniversary.

Every day I ask myself “How can I be more like J-Walk? Should I start wearing a hat? Should I visit Alaska?”

I want to live on Park Avenue too, even if it’s just a small apartment. Why doesn’t CNN ever call ME?

Art of Science at Princeton


This spring we asked the Princeton University community to submit imagery produced in the course of research or incorporating tools and concepts from science. The response was overwhelming: more than 200 entries from nearly 100 individuals in 15 departments. We selected 55 of these works to appear in the 2005 Art of Science Exhibition…

…like the above picture of a spider. NSFW?